We Manufacture our own Ice Banks
Designed by our engineers, built by our engineers, built to perform, built to last, built to order.
Every icebank is handmade from 410a rated refrigeration pipe, solid copper frames and insulated by a 30-50mm thick NZ made plastic tank. We source the raw materials from our suppliers direct and build onsite in our workshop. We can keep the price down by keeping out the middle man.
After 18 years of servicing farm refrigeration we have carried out extensive research and development in the precooling of milk before entering the vat.
We have found Icebanks to be the best solution, first and foremost on performance, then reliability, and cost. Simple put these systems are best suited to the farm refrigeration sector.
O’Meara Refrigeration can custom make an icebank to suit your cooling requirements. Daniel can come on site and chat to you about what you need or don't need. He will give you the facts NOT the myths.
This docketwas received by one of ourcustomers at 8.06am a few days after the installation of one of our 28kw custom made icebank, coupled up to his existing refrigeration. This farmer milks 800+ cows and the system cost him $18,000 excl.
These icebanks deliver on average 1 degree supply water, resulting in 3.6 - 5 degree milk entering temperatures.
Enquire Now
Righto, i know the biggest question is HOW MUCH????? Here are 3 examples of our many options, there may be a few variations (copper prices increase, so crucial to ask for a quote) but approximately:
OM5-1100 (200-300 cows, 6-8hp chillers) = $13,800 + install
OM5-2000 (300-400 cows, 7.5-10hp chillers) = $15,750 + install
OM6-2000 (400-700 cows, 10-15hp chillers) = $17,990 + install
key: OM....(number of copper coils) 1100/2000...(size of tank, litres)
Install can range from $2500 - $5000, all depends on the distance between unit/icebank, and the size of the refrigeration pipes required. Installation can take up to 2 days (with no interruption to your dairy operation) and requires your FARM SERVICE PROVIDER to install the water pump and plumbing to and from. Custom built icebanks can also be made to run off two chiller units.