"Cooling that White Gold" - Dan's Blurb
Here at O'MEARAS we've been passionately involved with farm refrigeration ever since 'you' the farmer first took ownership of the vat refrigeration over 20 years ago. WOW and since then haven't we all seen some changes to milk cooling. Our team of fully qualified engineers have been on the frontline of those changes, finding out better, faster and more economical ways of cooling that white gold.
This has been a hot topic and has caused a lot of questions to be asked about what I as the farmer need to do. The regulations are quite simple.......they want you to cool your milk quicker, and have better quality milk, and why not.
EASY PEASY there are only three steps to follow and the 1st step is the most IMPORTANT one :
1. THE MILK PLATE COOLER: very simple, check what temperature your water entering temperature is (can be taken at any point before the plate) and then check the milk in your vat temperature WITHOUT the refrigeration going (just by turning on the chiller control after the milk is over the Temperature probe).
This will give you the split i.e: 20 deg water/22 deg milk = 2 deg split
If you are getting a 2-3 degree or less split you are pretty much sorted in this area. If you are outside this split, e.g. 4 degs and up there are some big improvements, MONEY SAVINGS to be had. Saving thousands NOT hundreds of dollars in chiller running costs let along maybe meeting the regs by doing it this way alone.
2. VAT REFRIGERATION: Is your chiller the correct size for your vat??? This is a very simple exercise for us to do as we know all the Vat cooling specs and are therefore able to spec the correct chiller for your vat size (sorry guys SIZE does count in this area).
3. ICEBANK: This is the very last area to be addressing, it is your last resort if the above two issues haven't sorted you out for 2018. Reason being the other two combination are the more cost effective way of cooling your milk and also they would have to be done anyway to make an icebank a economic option to run.
Last but not least, don't panic! Do your homework on all these things, ask around. There are some nice flashy brochures out there from companies promising you the world, with all sorts of ridiculous cost savings scenarios and milk temperature claims which are just not true!
Farm Refrigeration
O’Meara Refrigeration are farm refrigeration specialists. Our experienced team provide farm refrigeration services, such as emergency breakdown, installation and maintenance of vat refrigeration units.
We also provide water cooling and heating solutions, and on-site consultations and advice.
O’Meara Refrigeration services the greater Hauraki Plains/TeAroha/Waihi/Paeroa farming district and coastal farms along the eastern seaboard.
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Breakdown Servicing
At O’Meara Refrigeration we understand that the farming industry operates around the clock and that refrigeration is central to the quality of milk. So if you are experiencing problems, don’t hesitate just pick up the phone and give us a call. We are on call, on time, anytime. * After hours rates for call outs apply.
Water heating solutions
Did you know that you can save up to 50% on your cowshed hot water costs by simple installing a brazed plate heat exchanger on to your existing/new refrigeration system. The system converts incoming cold water into stored hot water (60-65 degrees) in a single pass. It generates enough energy to satisfy both cup and silo washes, eliminating those excessive power bills. Payback for one of these systems ranges between 2-4 years.
Preventative Maintenance Checks
We provide a preventative maintenance service, where we visit your farm once/twice a year (depending on your requirements and needs) to check, test and clean your refrigeration system. This can enable us to detect problems before things go wrong and saves you time and money. Give us a ring to book this in, we strongly recommend this just before the season and/or the hot months. We can also leave you a report/checklist sheet for service history and shed inspection requirement.